20 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi


Mars or Mars (ex: Sakıt [1]), the Solar System, the fourth planet from the Sun. Named for the god of war in Roman mythology Mars is named. To have a reddish appearance on the surface due to demiroksitten commonly referred to as the Red Planet.Meteor craters on the Moon, such as the need to thin atmosphere of Mars, as well as the volcano in the world, valley, desert and polar regions façade with a terrestrial planet. In addition, Earth's rotational period and seasonal periods are very similar.Mount Olympus on Mars (Olympus Mons) Solar System, the highest known mountain called the mountain and Marineris Valley (Valles Marineris), the largest canyon canyon called. In addition, in June 2008 three articles published in the journal Nature, as explained in the northern hemisphere of Mars 10 600 km. long and 8.500 km. was the presence of a giant meteor crater wide. This crater, the largest meteorite crater discovered to date (the Moon's south pole at the Atkien Basin), four times the size. [2] [3]Mars, with the exception of the World, is still in the Solar System planets, the planet is seen as most likely to contain liquid water and life. [4] Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter radar data exploration projects both poles (July 2005) [5] and the middle regions ( November 2008) [6] has proved that there are large amounts of water ice. July 31, 2008 Phoenix Mars Lander spacecraft's robotic Mars has managed to take soil samples buzlarından shallow parts of the water. [7]Today, Mars, the spaceship is home to three sitting in orbit: Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Mars, with the exception of the World, the Solar System is not just any ordinary planet. The surface has hosted many spacecraft. The geological data obtained by means of this space who has revealed that Mars had a wide variety of water issues in advance, even during the ten-year period geyser (Geyser) type water-jet or currents occurred. [8] NASA's Mars Global Surveyor project ongoing investigations of Mars' south pole ice has revealed that withdrawn. [9]In 1877, astronomer Asaph Hall discovered by Mars, Phobos and Deimos given names, there are irregularly shaped with two small satellites. Mars can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. "Apparent magnitude" i -2.9 to [10], which reaches to the naked eye, but most of the time to appear brighter than Jupiter, Mars, but Venus, the Moon and the Güneş'çe porous luster.

Physical PropertiesMars is about half the radius Dünya'nınkinin. Is less than the density of Earth's volume, 15% of the volume of the Earth, its mass is about 11% of the Dünya'nınkinin. Although Mars is larger and heavier than Mercury, Mercury is more dense it. Mercury is therefore higher than the surface gravity Mars'ınkinden. Mars, size, mass, and surface gravity between Earth and the Moon are in. Red-orange appearance of the Martian surface demiroksitten known as hematite, or rust (Fe2O3) is caused. [11]

Geology ("Areology")The four "terrestrial planet" in [12] Comparison of sizes: from left to right: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.Above topographic map of Mars rather than volcanic plateaus (red) and impact basins (blue) seems to dominate.Taken by the Mars Pathfinder, Mars scattered rock-forming surface photoSatellite observations and examination of the surface of Mars Mars meteorlarının formed mainly of basalt. Some evidence that a portion of the Martian surface, rather than typical basalt, andesite rocks on Earth-like formations shows that there may be silicon-rich, but the observations of these data might be that the silica glass. Although the main magnetic field of Mars, or the parts of the observations, the planet's crust is found under the influence of a magnetic field has two poles once. Minerals observed in this paleomanyetizm [13] of the earth in the bottom of the ocean is very similar to tabakalarındakilere features. Proposed in 1999 and revised in 2005, Mars Global Surveyor data, these layers according to a theory, Mars 4 billion years ago, the magnetic polarization of the magnetic field that is currently active in the tectonic plates available evidence. [14]According to current models of the internal structure of the planet, the planet is mainly composed of iron and sulfur are around 14-17%, radius of about 1480 km. provides a core in which. This iron sulfide (FeS), the compound partially fluid. The core, which is not active today, the planet is surrounded by many tectonic and volcanic formations mantosuyla silicate formed. 50 km average thickness of the planet's crust. and a maximum thickness of 120 km. around. [15] Earth's average thickness of 40 km. the shell, given the size of both the planet Mars'ınkine is thinner than three times.Basic geological cycles of Mars are as follows:

Noah Age: Disable this name Noah, a region of Mars southern yarımküresindeki Soils (Terra Noachis) are due to be named. Cycles related to the formation of the oldest surface of Mars, 3.8 billion years ago and 3.5 billion years ago, covers the period between. Transfer of Noah is still carved surfaces kraterleriyle many great impact. These revs of Tharsis volcanic plateau is attributable to a large raid of liquid water.

Hesperian age: 3.5 billion years ago and covers the period between 1.8 billion years ago. This cycle is characterized by the formation of extensive lava plains.

Amazon Age: 1.8 billion years ago and covers the period up to the present day. Transfer of the Amazon regions, many meteor craters opened çarpmalarıyla-free and completely different. Lava flows in this period consisted of the famous Mount Olympus.
February 19, 2008 an avalanche occurred on Mars spectacular. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft images recorded by the film kamerasınca 700 m. height of the top of a cliff, clouds of dust, leaving behind broken blocks of ice were seen yuvarlanışları. [16] Recent studies support a theory put forward in the 1980s, for the first time: According to this theory, four billion years ago a meteorite crashed into Mars-sized planet Pluto. Covered the northern polar region of the planet, such as Borealis basin that covers about 40% of the basin, called a strange thought that this crash occurred. [17] [18]SoilJune 2008 by Phoenix spacecraft data Mars soil is slightly alkaline and which is essential for the development of all organic matter, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride was revealed that it contains. Scientists are close to the north pole of Mars soil grown plants such as asparagus, concluded that it was conducive to the creation of a garden. [19] In August 2008, Phoenix Mars spacecraft land with world water chemistry tests as simple as mixing started and already put forward in the Martian soil to validate the theory found in many of discovery: Mars soil discovered traces of perchlorate salts. Provided the soil of Mars is even more interesting to have the presence of perchlorate salts [20] However, the presence of perchlorate salts in the soil of Mars, Earth moved, there was likely to be due to different samples or tools, so the source is Mars, the soil thoroughly to ensure that there is no more about it experiments is required. [21]A Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at the end of November 2005 of the summit of Husband Hill Marstan landing a panoramic photo taken.HydrologySurface fissures called Cerberus FossaOpportunity, space exploration tool (astromobil) taken by the microscopic surface of Mars indicating the presence of liquid water in the past rock formations photo10 September 2005 This photograph taken by the Mars Global Surveyor probe tool (right) August 30 1999 photo (left), similar to the non-existent water buzuna a whitish precipitate occurred, ie, even if temporary, reveal the presence of the flow of liquid water on the surface. [22] [23]Mariner-4 to Mars in 1965, the first flight in low-up, a very debated whether there is liquid water on the surface of the planet. This discussion has been changing periodically, especially in polar regions, reminiscent of the sea and the continents due to the fact that the observed light and dark spots. By dark lines a long time, some observers interpreted as irrigation canals, water-containing liquid. This was interpreted as a straight line formations subsequently gözlemlenemediğinden optical illusions. Formations, with the exception of short periods may be low altitudes, under the current atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars, liquid water can not exist, but it may be a temporary flows of liquid water. [24] [22] [23] [25] However, both polar regions, especially large water ice is available. [26] In March 2007, NASA, the south pole of the planet's entire surface of the water in case of water-ice melting puts the depth of the ocean, and will consist of 11 m. calculated will be explained. [27] In addition, an ice planet, pole, up to 60 ° latitude permafrost [28] extends mantle. [26] kirosfer stay on Mars [29] under a layer of large amounts, but kept tightly packed (who could not come to the surface) where water reserves thought. Radar data from Mars Express and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter'dan two poles (July 2005) [30] and mid-latitudes (November 2008) [31] showed that large amounts of water ice. July 31, 2008 in Phoenix Mars Lander has managed to take the Martian soil sample pieces buzlarından water. [32]Relatively early in the history of Mars, Valles Marineris Valley (4000 km.) Occurs, which causes the formation of water channels, loose ground water are estimated to be caused by the great flood is a liquid. This is a little smaller than the water pressure, then the so-called Cerberus Fossa large surface cleft opening period, ie, that occurred about 5 million years ago, Cerberus Palus Elysium Planitia'da still be seen in the frozen sea is believed to be a result of the incident. [33] However, ice streams of the region [34] also have a morphology resembling lava flows that occur pooling should not be out of sight. A short time ago, Mars, Mars Global Surveyor'daki Orbiter'ın pictures taken with high-resolution camera on the surface of Mars has more detailed information about the history of liquid water. Interestingly, these data channels on Mars, the giant tree-like network formed breaker and there are wide roads, but smaller-scale vessels which water flows and entities found. On top of that, this small traces of weather conditions over time may be destroyed (erosion) was considered. High-resolution data from Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, along the walls of craters and canyons revealed that hundreds slit. Studies show that these formations at a young age. Two photos taken with an interval of six years, a remarkable compared to the slit slit noticed the new sediment accumulated in sediments. This type of NASA's Mars Exploration Program authorized expert Michael Meyer-colored precipitate sedimentary formations, but may lead to a strong opinion that the flow of liquid water.Whether precipitation (rain), or underground water sources, or from another source, energy resources available as a result of water on Mars. [35] On the other hand, this precipitate formation on the surface of the frozen carbon dioxide, or the planet scenarios have also been proposed, which suggests that dust caused by currents. [ 36], [37] the surface of Mars in the past that there are further proof that liquid water on the surface is detected minerals: Hematite, minerals such as goetit often pointing to the presence of water minerals (iron oxide goetit cool soils only). [38]GeographyGlobo de Marte - Marineris.gifGlobo Valles de Marte - Elysium Planitia.gifGlobo de Marte - Syrtis Major.gifOne of the first studies concluding map of the Moon from the observations of the Johann Heinrich Mädler ten years later, in 1840, drew the first map of Mars. First areografi experts in the construction of the map Mädler and worked with him his friend Wilhelm Beer Moon, Mars map markings, giving names instead of specifying a simple way, they prefer to use the letters. [39]Mars and the highest mountain in the Solar System, 27,000 m. height of Mount Olympus (Olympus Mons) photograph of the orbit of MarsGeographical formations on Mars was named the World geography and historical and mythological. Rotation of Mars' equator naturally identified as the prime meridian Greenwich Meridian is arbitrary in the world, in 1830 the construction of the first maps of Mars were determined by trial Mädler and Beer. The data were collected in 1972 from the Mariner 9 spacecraft from Mars enough about the Sinus Meridiani'deki (Meridian Bay), later called Airy-0 is a small crater, the former coincide with the type designation was chosen as 0.0 ° longitude (Beer and Mädler "by a "marked with the letter longitude).Height of Mount Olympus on Mars is not the sea "average shooting surface" (Eng. mean surface gravity) and the height is calculated based on the 27 km. respectively. (In other words, Mars elevations atmospheric pressure 610.5 Pa (6105 mbar) is calculated based on the level. This available pressure at sea level on Earth about 6 ‰.) [40]Huge photograph of the planet in the middle of the channel, shows the formation of Valles Marineris canyon.Photo taken by THEMIS cave flows on Mars 7: A-Dena, Chloe, B-, C-, Wendy, Annie, D-, E-, Abby (left) and Nikki F-Jeanne.Showing the topography of Mars draws attention to an interesting dilemma. The flat plains of lava flows even if it includes the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere, is a mountainous state carved out of the land of ancient collisions pits and craters. In 2008, research and analysis put forward in 1980, the northern hemisphere of Mars four billion years ago, the size of the Moon 6.6% seems to be evidence that the theory which suggests that the magnitude struck by an object. 10 600 km from the northern hemisphere of Mars if this view is correct. long and 8.500 km. I should have opened a wide area of ​​the crater, it is in Europe, Asia and Australia, an area equivalent to the whole of the territory. [41] [42] The surface of Mars from Earth, appearance, different albedo'su be divided into two types. Pale reddish iron-oxide-containing salt and sand plains of Mars in the past been interpreted as the continents and their Land of Arabia (Arabia Terra), the Amazon Plain (Amazonis Planitia) are given names such as. Dark-colored formations interpreted as the seas and their Erythraeum Mare, Mare Sirenum and Aurorae Sinus given names. Apparently the geographical formation of dark Syrtis Major'dur Earth. [43]Three times the height of Mount Everest, Mount Olympos mountain with several large volcanoes in Tharsis, a gently sloping dormant volcano. Observed impact craters of Mars is a planet at the same time, the radius of 5 km. This crater may be greater than the total number of occurrences is determined as 43,000. [44] to the formation of elders albedo with a slight, easily visible from Earth Hellas impact basin (Hellas Planitia). [45] in terms of volume, compared to a cosmic body Earth Mars is smaller than the collision probability, the probability of collision is half of the Earth. However, to be closer to Mars, the asteroid belt, this is too much increases the likelihood of collision with objects from generation to generation. Mars is also a short period (ranging from Jupiter orbits) of comets shock (or süpürmelerine) are also exposed. However, compared to the Moon's surface, the atmosphere itself because it provides protection against small meteors crater is less than the surface of Mars. Some craters have a morphology that is moist earth meteor falls.Grand canyon Valles Marineris, a famous 4,000 km long and 200 km wide and has a depth of up to 7 kms. So the length of the length of Europe's wife, and one-fifth of the planet's environment. Enormous size of the Earth in order to understand the magnitude of the Grand Canyon can be considered dimensions. (Grand Canyon, 446 km long and about 2 km in depth.) Another large canyon Ma'adim Vallis is 700 km long, 20 km wide and 2 km deep in places. This canyon is attributable to the raid of liquid water in the past. [46] 2001 robotic Mars Odyssey THEMIS spacecraft aboard the short name (Thermal Emission Imaging System) Arsia Mons volcano on the slopes thanks to the camera were seven possible cave entrance. [47] These are now the "seven sisters" known under the name. [48] Cave inputs width varies between 100 m and 252 m to the bottom of the caves giremediğinden light is generally believed, and believed that the caves underground, but they lie at a deeper and more considered. These are the only exception of the bottom of the display Dena's cave. The north pole and the south pole of Mars Boreum office office Planum Australe called Planum.AtmosphereTraces of methane detected in the atmosphere of Mars northern hemisphere, the summer-NASAMars taken from orbit, a thin atmosphere that can be seen on the horizon.Taken by the Mars Pathfinder, Mars skies ice clouds photo.Mars lost its magnetosphere 4 billion years ago. Thus, a layer of the ionosphere of Mars solar winds interact directly entering the atmosphere, but holds fine. Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express both ionized particles in the atmosphere being dragged into the space determined. [49], [50] Mars atmosphere nowadays relatively thin. The presence of high atmospheric pressure on the surface of the planet's 30 Pa (0.03 kPa) and the deepest part of the detected 1.155 Pa (1.155 kPa), respectively. Ie average surface pressure 600 Pa (0.6 kPa), which would make the Earth's surface at 35 km. encountered in high pressure match. In other words, the world is a low surface pressure of less than 1%. The atmosphere due to low gravity on Mars "scale height" of (Eng. scale height) [51] Earth's (6 km.) Is higher, at 11 km., Respectively. 38% of the Earth's surface gravity is the force of gravity on the surface of Mars.Mars atmosphere of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon is composed of, but are oxygen and water traces. [52] 1.5 mM radius completely dusty atmosphere that contains dust particles, it is viewed from the surface of Mars Mars pale sky orange-brown color (tawny Eng.) leads to be seen. [53]Many researchers have found that the presence of atmosphere of Mars methane by volume ratio of 30 ppb. [54] [55] in an atmosphere of methane, such as ultraviolet rays decays and Mars'ınki [56] break down an unstable gas is about 340 years, it is up to date, or shortly before the planet indicate the presence of a gas supply until the present. It can only volcanic activity, comet impacts and types of methanogenic microorganisms may cause. However, a non-biological process in a short time before the methane produced was put forward. [57]Winter in the polar regions is dominated by a continuous dark and freezing cold on the surface, and this is part of the concentration of around 25-30% of the atmosphere and carbon dioxide "dry ice" (Eng. dry ice) [58] leads to the so-called state solidification. [59] polar winter re-exposure to the sun through the lights of the season starts, buzlaşmış carbon dioxide, the speed of 400 km per hour. 'fly by creating winds reaching up to a terrific start. This seasonal changes, carry large amounts of dust and water vapor, and of Earth-like frost and "Siroush clouds" s (cirrus) causes the appearance. Water-ice clouds photo was taken in 2004 by Opportunity. [60]ClimateMartian dust storm of September 2001, before (left) and during the dust storm (right) Comparison of the appearance ofThe planets are very similar in most seasons Dünya'nınkilere planet, similar to Earth's axis of rotation due to eğikliğinin, Mars. However, further away from the Sun, the planet Mars due to the duration of the seasons almost twice as likely Dünya'nınkilerin and "Martian year" is the period of time of two Earth years. Mars surface temperatures during winter pole 140 ° C (133 K) during the summer and 20 ° C (293 K) varies. [61], the temperature difference is greater, the heat of the sun thin enough depolayamaması atmosphere, atmospheric pressure is low and the soil heat capacity (Eng. thermal inertia) is due to reasons such as the low. [62]If the orbit of Mars, such as Dünya'nınki "axis tilt" due to the assimilation of the, seasons would be more similar to the Dünya'nınkilere. However, a large eccentricity of the orbit of Mars provides an interesting result. Mars, in the southern hemisphere summer, close to perihelion when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere winter, when it is summer in the northern hemisphere close to the günöteye. As a result, the seasons in the southern hemisphere, the seasons in the northern hemisphere, but it should show the differences more extreme than the soft pass. Thus, south of 30 ° C then (303 K) which is slightly higher summer temperatures than the northern summer temperatures. [63]Ice in the north pole of MarsMars is also the Solar System's largest "dust storms" in [64] the scene of the planet. This can be in the form of storms, dust storms, such as a local area small, the entire planet-sized containers can be in the form of a giant storms. These are the closest to the sun, especially when it comes to Mars, and tend to occur where the global temperature increase. [65]Both of which are composed mainly of water buzundan pole apartments. In addition, the surface of "dry ice" is also available. Which is solidified carbon dioxide "dry ice" (Eng. dry ice) in the northern polar circle in winter only accumulate to form a thin layer about one meter thick, and the southern polar circle in the thickness of this layer is permanent and 8 m. 'Yi finds. [66] North pole office during the summer of 1000 km radius of the northern hemisphere. and contains about 1.6 million km ^ 3 of ice. (2.85 million km ^ 3 is the volume of the Greenland ice mass.) This is 2 km from the thickness of the ice sheet. 'To reach. 350 km radius of the circle is the South Pole. , wherein the ice thickness of 3 km., respectively. [67] The volume of the mass of ice is thought to be up to the north. [68] thought to have been caused by both the polar circle in the differential heat of the sun, the ice fly and interact with the events of condensation of water vapor in the spiral formations been observed. [69] [70] Both the polar circle grows smaller and depending on the temperature fluctuations in the Martian seasons.EvolutionThroughout the history of the planet, a variety of recent discoveries on Mars has revealed that lived in the decisive moments. For example, traces of liquid water on the planet's atmosphere is thicker than it is today was once the North Basin, a very massive object traces reveal that had a big impact. Possible explanations for the evolution of the planet are as follows:

In the past, the effect of the tide on the interior to a large satellite may have provided the formation of a permanent magnetic field. This area of ​​liquid water on the surface of Mars atmosphere, solar wind protected and allows movement to occur should be provided.

This collision caused the destruction of the layer hemisphere shell should peel off, and the atmosphere. Hit the north pole region of Mars in the past of this great body is probably corrupted the orbit of a satellite of the effect of tidal power may be. The falling tide does not affect the satellite is now striking the surface magnetic field weakened and the solar winds, the atmosphere must be prevented from occurring again.

The absence of a particular satellite that provides stability on the planet wobble or corruption meant that the balance of five million years. This disruption of equilibrium, the polar regions warm up on a regular basis, a piece of ice, the melting of the polar circle, and hence the formation of liquid water has resulted in the lines.
Orbit and rotationAnd the orbit of Mars (red) and the dwarf planet Ceres asteroid belt (yellow) Comparison (north pole to involvement appearances). Involvement in parts of the southern trajectory is shown in bold. Dumpling (q) and günöte (Q) close to the dates specified.Mars' average distance of about 230 million km from the Sun. (1.5 AU), the orbital period is 687 Earth days. World day on Mars is a little longer than the full 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds. 1.8809 a Martian year is the year of the world, ie the world as a one year full-time unit, 320 days and 18.2 hours.Inclination of the Earth's axis tilt of Mars' axis is very close, 25.19 degrees. Therefore, seasons, reminiscent of Mars on Earth occur as well. However, Mars' orbit of Mars, the length of time due to the seasons, twice the duration of the World seasons. Günöteye perihelion in April 2009 was Mars in May 2008. Date of the next günöte June 2010.The relative eccentricity of the orbit of Mars that can be said (axial misalignment, eccentricity) 0.09 'stop; Solar System, only Mercury that has a greater eccentricity. Drawn in a circular orbit of Mars in the past than it is today, however, is known. Eccentricity of Mars 1.35 million years ahead of the World was about 0.002, ie, the eccentricity of the Earth was less than the present. [71] 96 000 circuit eccentricity of Mars is the year of the World. [72] However, the Mars 2.2 million-year- There are an eccentricity circuit. The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars, the other planets in the last 35 000 years has increased due to gravitational effects. The distance between Mars and Earth to each other when approaching the next 25 000 years will be reduced a little more. [73]Natural satellitesPhobos Deimos diff.jpgName Diameter(Km) Mass(Kg) Average orbitalradius (km) Orbital period(Hours)Phobos 22.2 (27 × 6.21 × 18.8) 1.08 × 1016 9378 7.66Deimos 12.6 (10 × 12 × 16) 2 × 1 015 23 400 30.35Mars irregularly shaped, has two small natural satellites. Ancient Greek mythology, the god of war Ares them (Romans Mars) who helped was inspired by the names of their children given names Phobos and Deimos, which followed the planet orbits very close to the satellites of Mars is probably a "Trojan asteroid" [74], such as the 5261 Eureka, the planet's gravitational asteroitlerdir area has become seized with a satellite. [75] However, these two satellites of Mars without air layer is not fully understood how and when to have. Moreover, the asteroids of this size are very rare, especially bilateral ones. Be present outside of the asteroid belt asteroids of this size makes the situation even more awkward. [76]Both satellites were discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall. The surface of Mars, Phobos and Deimos moves our 'ay'ımızın appears to be very different compared to the appearance of the Earth. Phobos 11 hours, the West was born. Deimos, the circulation time is 30 hours, although 2.7 day arises. [77] Both satellite follow circular orbits near the equator. Phobos' orbit of Mars from the dwindling due to tidal effects. Therefore, Mars, Phobos will be noticed in about 50 million years ago. [77]LifeMars meteorite, called ALH84001, bacteria, microscopic formations which are alleged to be at the level of signs of life.Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) shown in the photograph taken by, understood the nature of the "dark dune spots"."Dark dune spots" with a high-resolution photograph taken by the Mars Global Surveyor spots close to the plan view.

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